Gw vs Mimpi

I dreams therefore I lived.

We can’t just go being alive without having any dreams, dreams that make us believe in what we do. Dreams can take you places only you can reach, being in a dreams is the first step to reality. Don’t hope your dreams change into reality…realize your dreams.

A dream is as good as the dreamer, don’t limit your dreams and don’t stop pushing yourself to make it happened. I saw people living their dreams because they deserved it, they worked so hard for it. You may hit obstacles along the way but in the end it’s you and you’re alone that’s been holding your dreams back because you were afraid…afraid that you can’t handle your dream if it were come true.

Sleep tonight, dream a lot, and wake up with a determination to make it real. For the better you.

I have a dream~

Gw vs Ade

I’m a first born. I have a brother and a sister, my brother is 3 years apart from me and my sister is 8 years apart.

Hubungan kakak beradik kami kalo kata temen2 gw unik. Kita dibilang terlalu akrab untuk kakak beradik, bertengkar bisa dihitung pake jari. Kenapa bisa gitu? Karena kita megang kata2 Abah, “Kalian harus saling dukung, sayang, dan rukun, karena kalo Abah dan Ibu udah ga ada kalian hanya bisa bergantung satu sama lain. Nah kalo Abah udah ga ada dan kalian kakak beradik ga rukun, Abah datengin mimpi lo terus gampar satu2.” Kalo Abah udah ngomong kita bertiga ga berani bantah deh.

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Gw vs Parents

Let’s talk about my Mother, shall we?

My Mom…she’s the best at what she does. Parenting.

Dari saat gw lahir sampai saat ini, beliau selalu ada di sisi gw dan 2 ade gw. Beliau mengajar juga menghajar gw dengan penuh kasih sayang. Abah ga pernah mukul anak2nya, Ibu…all the time. Tapi itu semua gara2 gwnya aja yg bandel, ga pernah denger kata orang tua dan selalu mangkir. Ada masanya gw merasa sebagai seorang pemberontak memilih untuk mengabaikan Beliau tetapi sering kali jg gw jadi seseorang yg sangat manja kepada Ibu.

Yup, my parents spoiled us rotten. Continue reading

Gw vs Choices

It’s only a matter of choice…

Whether you looked carefully and take your sweet time finding the right one based on past experience.


Just let it flow cause you know life won’t screw you the 2nd time only if you let it.

It’s only a matter of choice…

View on Path

Gw vs Throwback

Merenungi apa yg sudah dilewati dan apa yg didapatkan selama satu tahun ini…
Shall I list it? Here goes:

1. Mendapatkan pelajaran dalam memahami arti dari profesionalisme.
2. Mencoba lebih ikhlas.
3. Sepahit-pahitnya proses, pada akhirnya akan berbuah manis apabila kita ikhlas.
4. Melakukan segalanya dengan passion.
5. Kehilangan sesuatu yg berarti tidak bikin hati mati.
6. Gagal merit. :))
7. Bertemu dan kenal dengan orang2 hebat dan menjadi sumber inspirasi.
8. Melihat segala sesuatunya dari berbagai sudut pandang.
9. Menghargai pendapat orang meski belum tentu dia benar.
10. The power of sedekah is real.
11. Percaya Allah akan memberi jika kita meminta dan itu yg terbaik untuk kita.
12. Akhirnya passport dipake juga. :))
13. Kembali bikin ortu bangga.
14. Menjadi ketua dari komunitas yg dibangun bersama sedari nol.
15. Menjadi bagian dari sesuatu yg sedang berkembang pesat.
16. Ga ada yg kebetulan, termasuk ketemu dan kenal kamu.

Itu mungkin belum semua, bakal diupdate di Blog aja sisanya.

A new dawn of age has come, let’s see what will happen in the next year.
Life…surprise me.

View on Path

Embrace Darkness

In this cold night, my body start to shiver. My sight limited by the darkness that surround me. Even though the song keeps vibrating inside my ears, my mind wonders endlessly. Trying to find a whole new meaning for what I have become.

The blanket is to hot for me so I kept it far away from my reach.
I like the cold,
I love the silence,
I embrace darkness for its the only thing that understand me tonight.

Ikhlaskan Cinta

“ada apa sih dengan kita?” itu pertanyaan yang pertama kali gw tanyakan ke dia.

“menurut kamu gimana?” answer a question with question…typical. Jari gw menari di atas meja mencoba berpikir sambil melihat dia yang tampak salting setiap saat gw menatap matanya.

Gw menghela napas dan berkata, “kita ada apa-apanya.” sambil tetap mempertahankan ekspresi datar, tapi gw tau mata ini tidak bisa bohong. Gw menatap dia penuh perasaan.

Dia tersenyum, “aku juga berpikir demikian.” tangannya saling mengatup, kepalanya tertunduk malu, gw tau dia tidak dapat menahan rona merah pada mukanya. Gw juga mencoba menahan untuk tidak tersenyum.

Banyak orang lalu lalang disekitar kami tapi kami tidak peduli. Back sound tempat ini mendukung suasana kami…Kahitna – Takkan Terganti. Gw benci back sound ini… Continue reading

Ride On Shooting Star

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there’s a man sitting on top a hill, gazing through the sky. Watching the clouds by day and stars by night.
He waited for something…something that can fill the emptiness in his heart.
He just sat there everyday without care.
The same spot, under a huge tree with thick branches and covering leafs.

One night, as he gaze to the stars. A shooting star passed him by. It was so close he can almost felt the warmth emitting from it.
Without second thought, he closed his eyes and made a wish that will change his life forever.
The wish was, “let me be with you.”

After he opened his eyes, he saw the shooting star decreased its velocity and in an instant change it course.

The man stood up, watching with a surprised look on his face. The shooting star gradually getting bigger. He then realized, its coming towards him with its blinding light.

He instantly cover his eyes while still trying to looked at it. The star was getting closer and closer. Its light getting brighter and brighter. The next thing he know, it reached him. Covering his body with a gentle warm light.
He felt only excitement and joy radiating from it, he felt that finally he’s at peace.

Few days later, people from the town searched for the man who used to sit under the big tree on top of the hill.
There’s no news the man had gone back to town.

Little did they know. The man left a message on the tree, carved neatly near the root, “gaze the night cause I ride on shooting star.”